10+ Filipino Candies and Sweets Loved By 90s Kids (Pinoy Kendi)

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Do you still remember these sweet treats?

Batang 90s (even the 80s and 2000s) are blessed with snacks that were born during the past decades ago. Although a few of these were gone or became rare in the market, some of these food are still available today.

Here's a list of candies, sweet and chewy treats Batang 90s once loved:


Ricoa’s Curly Tops & Flat Tops

Curly Tops & Flat Tops

Flat Tops
and Curly Tops were both created by the same company. Taste wise, they both tastes the same and the only difference is that Flat Tops  have flat top surface, while Curly Tops have curly ridges and a small swirl on the top. Curly Tops can only be bought in a box and cannot be retailed per piece like Flat Tops. ORDER A PACK OF FLAT TOPS & CURLY TOPS HERE

Haw Haw

Haw Haw Milk Candy

Haw Haw
 is a sweet milk-flavored candy with a smooth-like texture wrapped in its iconic mint green and white packaging. It's eaten like a lollipop wherein you slowly savor its rich and creamy taste. Haw Haw is the true definition of how Pinoy milk candy tastes like! ORDER A PACK OF HAW HAW HERE


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Cloud 9 Chocolate Bar

Cloud 9 is more like a pinoy counterpart of Sneakers. Cloud 9 is a delectable chocolate bar produced by Jack ‘n Jill and is one of the most famous chocolate snacks in the country.

Cloud 9 Chocolate Bar

The chocolate bar has been a favorite of Pinoys, with its familiar layers of creamy caramel, soft nougat, and crunchy peanuts covered by a thick coating of rich, milk chocolate. Today, Cloud 9 is now available in various flavors including the Salted Caramel, Overload and more. ORDER A PACK OF CLOUD 9 HERE

Orange Swits

Orange Swits

Before Potchi was even conceptualized, we had Orange Swits, the purveyor of local sugar-coated jelly treats in the country. Better brush your teeth after, though. They’re a little clingy. 

White Rabbit

White Rabbit Candy

If you grew up in the '80s or '90s, chances are, you enjoyed many a piece of the milk candy known as White Rabbit. With its nostalgic white, blue, and red packaging, the Chinese candy holds a special place in the memory of many Filipinos. ORDER A PACK OF WHITE RABBIT HERE

Kendi Mint

Kendi Mint

Kendi Mint candy is one of the classic hard candies from the Philippines, evoking nostalgic memories in Filipinos of all ages. In fairness to this candy, it doesn’t changed a bit! It still has the same packaging, the same logo and is still manufactured by the same company Candyman Inc. ORDER A PACK OF KENDI MINT HERE

Viva Caramel Candy

Viva Caramel Candy

Viva Caramel
is essentially hard caramel-flavored candy wrapped around soft chocolate paste. The hard caramel has more of a buttery taste, while the soft inside has more of a rough cocoa taste to it. Interestingly, Vi-Va (possibly a term taken from two names) candy is manufactured by Candyman Inc, the same company behind Kendi Mint. ORDER A PACK OF VIVA CARAMEL HERE

Annie’s Ube & Langka

Annie’s Ube & Langka

Another classic pinoy treat is the chew pastillas Annie’s Langka and Annie’s Ube. Langka and Ube-langka candies are products by the Annie Candy Manufacturing in Imus, Cavite. These chewy candies are notable for their very rich flavor of Langka and Ube that you can indulged in every bite. ORDER A PACK OF LANGKA & UBE CANDIES HERE

Frutos Soft Chewy Candy

is more likely to be considered as our cheaper counterpart to Fruitella or Sugus. Frutos are available in many different flavors and the covers will vary depending on it. Interestingly, Frutos is still available in its classic packaging but they also come up with special flavors with special foil packages. ORDER A PACK OF FRUTOS HERE

Mik-Mik Milk Powder

Mik-Mik Milk Powder

Amusingly enough, the fine white grains of milk remind us of a different, more notorious white powder and the effects are similar too: an addicting type of sweet bliss that’ll make you oblivious to the rest of the cruel world. You won’t even realize that you’ve gone through a whole packet, too. No to drugs, yes to Mik-MikORDER A PACK OF MIK-MIK HERE

Bazooka Bubblegum

Bazooka Bubblegum

The signature taste of Bazooka Bubble Gum you know and love with a throwback to the brand's classic look on the packaging plus original comics! ORDER A PACK OF BAZOOKA HERE

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Choc Nut

Choc Nut

Choc Nut is a trademark for a candy bar manufactured by Annie's Sweets Manufacturing and Packaging Corporation, a Philippine-based company. The ingredients of Choc Nut include peanuts, sugar, milk powder, cocoa powder and vanilla. It has endured as one of the country's most-consumed children's snacks. ORDER A PACK OF CHOC-NUT HERE


Lala Milky Chocolate

Lala Milky Chocolate is an affordable yet high-quality chocolate treat from the Philippines. It does not melt easily making it a perfect treat even during warm weather. ORDER A PACK OF LALA HERE



Ovalteenies are round sweets made of compressed Ovaltine. They are popular with children in Australia and the Philippines and are sold in many canteens in schools. ORDER A PACK OF OVALTEENIES HERE



Nips is Filipino's local counterpart of M&Ms, these candy-coated droplets of heaven are so good they’ll make you burst into song. ORDER A PACK OF NIPS HERE



Nothing like a good old name change to turn things around. The formerly popular menthol candy once ran circles around the competition with its refreshing blast of mouth-to-throat mintiness. Several years later, Storck was revived as Starr but still featuring that same good-feeling mintiness inside the same green packaging. ORDER A PACK OF STARR HERE

Peter's Butter Ball

Peter's Butter Ball

Imagine the rich, salty, unctuousness of butter rolling around your tongue, massaging your palate with its luscious indulgence. Or you can just have a Peter’s Butter BallORDER A PACK OF BUTTER BALL HERE

Polo Whistle

Polo Whistle

God’s gift to those without the gift to whistle, these half-white, half-orange sweet (which are, by the way, not associated with the trademarked "mint with a hole") makes making music with our mouths much easier with its shrewd design. ORDER A PACK OF POLO WISTLE HERE

 Jack N Jill Chocolate Pretzels

 Jack N Jill Chocolate Pretzels

In the Philippines, we have a different pretzel. The crispy pretzels are covered in rich chocolate and is more like a cheaper version of Pocky. Today, Pretzel are now available in its new pouches packaging but the classic box packages are still available on the market. Back in the 90's and the early 2000's, Jack N Jill's Pretzels used to have prints that you can cut from their packaging box. ORDER A PACK OF PRETZELS STICKS HERE



ALSO READ: 10+ Nostalgic Snacks Batang 90s Kids Surely Know


Batang 90’s is the name given to all Filipinos who were born during the 1990’s and who also experienced an extraordinary childhood. Millennials also indulge in their favorite kiddie snacks when they are facing problems.

Did we miss something? Comment down below!



 batang 90's candies 90s candy list pinoy candies 80s 90s candy and snacks mr cinco candy philippines vicks candy 90s yellow candy in philippines

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