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These 20 Abbreviations are used almost all the time in our everyday life, but many of us do not know (or bother) what they are in full form.

Everyone loves a bit of code, and acronyms and abbreviations are great little tools that make communication faster and more fun, especially when trying to type fast on a slippery smartphone.


Let’s track your score and see how many of these 20 abbreviations you knew what they stand for.


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a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english


Wireless Fidelity


Portable Document Format


Automated Teller Machine


Universal Serial Bus


General Packet Radio Service


Digital Versatile Disc


a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english


High Definition Multimedia Interface


Compact Disc


World Wide Web


et cetera


Liquid Crystal Display


Energy And Taste


Global Positioning System


Light Emitting Diode


International Mobile Equipment Identity




Operating System


Objection Killed


Permanent Account Number


Common Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research


Be With You Everytime
acronym examples abbreviation and acronym list difference between abbreviation and acronym with examples difference between abbreviations and acronyms pdf is nasa an acronym or abbreviation 10 abbreviations difference between acronym and abbreviation quora types of acronyms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What does FTW mean?
    for the win —used especially to express approval or support Night out with the girls?

  • What is the abbreviation for do not know?
    Idk is an abbreviation of the phrase I don't know.

  • What does I GTG mean in texting?
    GTG is an acronym for got to go, going to go, or good to go.

  • What does * * mean?
    a small starlike symbol (*), used in writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc. Linguistics. the figure of a star (*) used to mark an utterance that would be considered ungrammatical or otherwise unacceptable by native speakers of a language, as in * I enjoy to ski.

  • Is IDK rude?
    When used on its own, IDK can appear blunt or too short in a rude manner. IDK can appear to be a blowoff of sorts when used in a rude or overly short context.

  • Is SWAT an acronym?
    SWAT is an abbreviation for 'Special Weapons and Tactics. '

  • What does 3 dots mean?
    Ellipsis points are periods in groups of usually three, or sometimes four. They signal either that something has been omitted from quoted text, or that a speaker or writer has paused or trailed off in speech or thought. That's the basics.

  • What's the difference between abbreviation and acronym
    The difference between an abbreviation and an acronym is that an abbreviation is the articulated form of the original word whereas the acronym is a form of new word. For example: UNESCO, Laser, Radar are some of the acronyms whereas UK, USA, CBI are the abbreviations. An acronym Radar means Radio detection and ranging.

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Which of these have you already known? Let us know in the comments box!

 a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english

20+ Commonly Used Abbreviations That You Probably Don’t Know The Meaning

These 20 Abbreviations are used almost all the time in our everyday life, but many of us do not know (or bother) what they are in full form.

Everyone loves a bit of code, and acronyms and abbreviations are great little tools that make communication faster and more fun, especially when trying to type fast on a slippery smartphone.


Let’s track your score and see how many of these 20 abbreviations you knew what they stand for.


Display Picture
a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english


Wireless Fidelity


Portable Document Format


Automated Teller Machine


Universal Serial Bus


General Packet Radio Service


Digital Versatile Disc


a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english


High Definition Multimedia Interface


Compact Disc


World Wide Web


et cetera


Liquid Crystal Display


Energy And Taste


Global Positioning System


Light Emitting Diode


International Mobile Equipment Identity




Operating System


Objection Killed


Permanent Account Number


Common Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical Education and Research


Be With You Everytime
acronym examples abbreviation and acronym list difference between abbreviation and acronym with examples difference between abbreviations and acronyms pdf is nasa an acronym or abbreviation 10 abbreviations difference between acronym and abbreviation quora types of acronyms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What does FTW mean?
    for the win —used especially to express approval or support Night out with the girls?

  • What is the abbreviation for do not know?
    Idk is an abbreviation of the phrase I don't know.

  • What does I GTG mean in texting?
    GTG is an acronym for got to go, going to go, or good to go.

  • What does * * mean?
    a small starlike symbol (*), used in writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc. Linguistics. the figure of a star (*) used to mark an utterance that would be considered ungrammatical or otherwise unacceptable by native speakers of a language, as in * I enjoy to ski.

  • Is IDK rude?
    When used on its own, IDK can appear blunt or too short in a rude manner. IDK can appear to be a blowoff of sorts when used in a rude or overly short context.

  • Is SWAT an acronym?
    SWAT is an abbreviation for 'Special Weapons and Tactics. '

  • What does 3 dots mean?
    Ellipsis points are periods in groups of usually three, or sometimes four. They signal either that something has been omitted from quoted text, or that a speaker or writer has paused or trailed off in speech or thought. That's the basics.

  • What's the difference between abbreviation and acronym
    The difference between an abbreviation and an acronym is that an abbreviation is the articulated form of the original word whereas the acronym is a form of new word. For example: UNESCO, Laser, Radar are some of the acronyms whereas UK, USA, CBI are the abbreviations. An acronym Radar means Radio detection and ranging.

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Which of these have you already known? Let us know in the comments box!

 a to z abbreviation list abbreviations examples 20 abbreviations abbreviation words meaningful acronyms common abbreviations cool acronyms for names abbreviation for english

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