Taguig tallied 120 new COVID-19 cases; total 1347


July 07, 2020

Today Taguig has tallied 120 new CONFIRMED cases. It is from Bambang, Calzada, Central Signal, Fort Bonifacio, Hagonoy, Lower Bicutan, Combined, San Miguel, South Signal, Sta Ana, T Popular, Wawa and Western Bicutan.

The total number of confirmed cases in Taguig is 1347 In total, from January 27 to now July 07, 2020, there are 3,753 SUSPECT COVID-19 cases, 23 deaths and 186 recoveries in the city.


The Taguig City government continues to ensure that the community and residents are protected against the COVID-19 threat. SMART testing or Systematic Mass Approach to Responsible Testing was launched in Taguig in barangay-based testing and drive-thru tresting to further expand the city's testing capacity.

You can answer the self-assessment form at www.taguiginfo.com or call the COVID hotline and health centers.

The Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERT) in conjunction with the Taguig City Containment Team continues to monitor and contain COVID-19 cases in the city.

The Taguig City government is asking for the cooperation of each other to monitor all cases and prevent the escalation of COVID-19 cases.

For questions or concerns, call the Taguig COVID-19 hotline at 8-789-3200 or 0966-419-4510.
Source: Taguig LGU

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